Genie Alisa

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Facebook Archive - February 2021

Feb 2 - Let it be known, our child is grounded from ketchup and barbeque sauce until lunch on Tuesday, February 9th. I'm tired of cleaning up ketchup slime all over my kitchen. Don't indulge him if he finds some way to contact you in the coming days to get his fix.

Feb 3 - Snow has been all the talk around town (if the Internet were a town). I'm pleased to report that Ian's school gave a snow day on Thursday "due to possible high winds and power outages". He enjoyed 5 whole days away from Zoom. He also turned in his one missing assignment before the end of the quarter to finish up with all As and a B.

Feb 9 - The ketchup ban has been lifted!

Feb 18 - Ian: "Do we have any lubricant?"
Me: "What do you need it for?"
Ian: *scoffs* "I .. just ... do we HAVE any lubricant?"
Me: "What. The. Hell. For???"
Ian: "Fine! It's for my keyboard."
Me: "We don't have that kind of lubricant."
Ian: "But I need it for my keyboard."
Me: "If you are so worried about the sound of your keyboard clicks and found a YouTube video that said lubricant will make them sound better, you're welcome to spend your own money on buying keyboard lubricant online."
Ian: "Ugh ..."

Several hours later

Ian: "Do we have any wire cutters?"
Me: "You know I'm going to ask what for."
Ian: "I just want to know if we have any wire cutters."
Me: "Yes."
Ian: "So, do you know where they are?"
Me: "What. Are. You. Doing. With. Them?"
Ian: "It's for my keyboard. If you trim the stabilizers on some of your keys, it's supposed to make them work better."
Me: "I'm not condoning or enabling this."
Ian: "Ugh ..."

Feb 24 - Ian declared that he was feeling anxious and could use an outing. So we went to Barnes & Noble and Shake Shack. I got the graphic novel version of "Sapiens" and Ian got three new books. Now he's sending me links for chairs he wants for a "reading nook" for his room.

Feb 28 - Many thanks to Jay at REI for teaching Ian how to change the tube on his bike tire.