Genie Alisa

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Facebook Archive - November 2019

Nov 1: Ian: “My hair looks like Newt!”
He’s not wrong ...

Nov 3: Dinner topics: Which NFL player had his pinkie amputated so he wouldn’t miss a season, salary caps and draft picks, what age is safe for children to start weight lifting, where your soul goes when you die, and the proper size of a mouthful of salad.

Nov 9: Ian wanted a new hairstyle. Our hairstylist James is amazing. The idea was all Ian’s, though.

Nov 16: Did you know “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” was released 25 years ago? Ian and I watched it last night. I told him the sliding glass door scene was Daddy’s favorite and he would laugh his face off. 
“I don’t remember Daddy laughing. Well, maybe? ... before cancer.”
“I get that.”
Ian’s favorite scene was the slo-mo instant replay. He giggled so much I thought he was gonna fall off the couch.

Nov 24: Ian: “When they talk about the birds and the bees, who exactly are the birds and who are the bees?”

Nov 27: Ian's book fair was last week. I told him I would give him $10 and if he wanted to spend more, he could use his own money. 
"I can bring my $10 in Canadian money!" 
"Wut? You can't spend Canadian money at the book fair. We'd have to go to Canada for that."
"But the books all say $6.95 in US dollars or $8.95 in Canadian dollars." 
He's not wrong.

Nov 28: Ian plopped down in Thomas’ living room to put on his roller blades. Shrop told him to go out to the porch and put them on there. Ian walked out to the porch. 
A few minutes later I heard the door open and I knew my son was about to roller blade inside on the hardwood floors. I met him in the foyer. 
“What are you doing?”
“I need to get my gloves and hockey ball.”
“You can’t rollerblade inside.” 
“I was going to put on my rollerblades and get the gloves and ball on the way out but Shrop told me to go on the porch to put my rollerblades on so I had to come back inside for them.”