One year slime anniversary

Today almost slipped by before I realized what day it was. One year ago today, Rich went in for his slime-ectomy. That was quite a day! It seems like a million years ago. I remember taking pictures before he went back for surgery. I remember going to Panera across the street for my blueberry bagel. I remember going to the hotel room where his parents were with Ian. I remember talking with the surgeon on the phone only an hour or so into his supposed eight hour surgery and realizing that was significant - not necessarily bad, but worth noting.

And I remember walking back to the hospital from the hotel just before noon. I had not made plans for someone to be with me during the surgery time frame because it was supposed to take hours. And with Rich's folks watching our kid I was suddenly very alone.

reaching out

I called my mom's work number but she was in class. I have never been so irritated that my 74 year old mother was still working as I was on Monday, November 12, 2012 when I wanted to talk to her and couldn't. Megan was in class. Kim was asleep. Shannon didn't answer. Mr. Smith was not quite off work yet. Jake was at school. Kevin works in a bunker. WHERE IS EVERYONE?!

owl babies screenshot

This image is from a great little book called Owl Babies that we've read to Ian many times. A year ago today, I felt like Bill. Only much later did I notice my phone had exploded with voicemails from Mom.

voicemails from Mom

I did get a text back from Shannon about the same time that Mr. Smith said he was off work. I told him that his wife totally trumped him in being optimistic and that's what I really needed right then. When Shannon asked who was with me, I told her, "it's just me and the Internet." "I'm on my way." she blurted out and the tears of relief fell.

Anyways, long story short, a year ago today was a whirlwind of a day but by bedtime things were looking up. I am so grateful for everyone's support over the last year. I just realized today that Mel came to sit with us in a hospital only a few days after the anniversary of Gyrth's passing. Shannon dropped everything to drive to Baltimore. Megan bent space and time to care for our kid (who threw up all over her in thanks). Beth was there with open arms once I finally got back to her house at some point in all that blur. Everyone honored the notebook and kept dutiful records of how Rich was doing. Rich was never alone the entire time he was in the hospital and that is a phenomenal thing, one that means the world to me.

I've been in a funk today and maybe this is partially it. It's also the frustrating client release this week, this head cold, these hormones, the insanely high blood sugars, and the travel schedule I have for the next few days. But as I've scrolled back through my year of iPhone pictures I've seen a million amazing moments we've had since last year. Holidays, vacations, goofy selfies, videos of Ian singing (so many videos of Ian singing!). And after all that, I'm just feeling overwhelmed and grateful. Grateful for all of you out there on the Internet. Grateful for everyone who helped in each small way. Grateful for the continued efforts of the lovely ladies in Nashville at the Sarah Cannon Center.

But most of all, grateful for Rich.

Strykers October 2013

Therapeutic dog camp for anxious chocolate labs

We have had a third dog in our house this past week. Angela and Tom went down to Georgia with the kids to visit her dad and for her to attend a conference in Atlanta. Their chocolate lab needed a place to stay, so I offered to bring him over. I knew what we were volunteering for, so it seemed reasonable. Their dog Benjamin (affectionately known as Bobo unless he's in trouble), has a bit of an anxiety disorder. It's possible it actually came from brain damage when he hit his head badly on the coffee table as a puppy. I was trying to explain it to my father because he was going to be watching Bobo for us the first weekend. Angela described it as, "Bobo is agoraphobic and scared of most things. This becomes an issue when he will hurt himself trying to escape the things that scare him."

I have experience with chicken dogs. While Mollie looks like a vicious Rottweiler mix, she is scared of storms, fireworks, the microwave, the door ajar beep on the fridge, and certain ringtones on my phone. Bobo is actually pretty brave about most of those things. He's just scared of bicycles, cars, men with deep voices and being alone.

He has been my shadow all week. When I shower, he sleeps on the mat outside the tub. If I'm at my computer, he's on the dog bed immediately next to it. If I want him to go outside, I just have to walk outside and he'll certainly follow me. Being such a large dog, it can make for some tight spaces. And holy wow his tail is loud as it hits the sink vanity and the tub over and over while I'm sitting on the toilet.

Bobo gets a bad reputation for being high maintenance, but he's actually an exceptionally good dog. He is 100% house trained. He is incredibly gentle with other dogs, cats and kids of all ages. And he certainly won't attack a stranger since he more concerned with hiding from them. He hardly ever barks. He eats food casually so you don't have to schedule his meals.

Angela even said that when visiting her dad and sister, their dog was not used to kids and bit their son (no skin broken but lots of tears and some bruising). Her kids have been spoiled by sweet docile Bobo.

I took him for walks in the evening with my other two dogs. There are fewer cars and bikes at 9pm usually, and he did very well. The pack helped keep him in line. I did find, though, that three dog leashes get considerably more tangled that just two. They can braid them versus just twisting them.

The whining for no good reason can get a little tiring, but our dogs have been known to whine with less provocation too. You just can't fuss at him because it will make him even more nervous. There's a lot of just saying, "I know, Bobo. It's okay, Bobo."

It was very late last night and Rich and I were both still up puttering on the computer. I turned to him around 11:30pm and said, "I'm gonna go to bed." Right about then, my shadow popped up too. I amended my statement and said, "Bobo and I are going to bed."

Angela and Tom are home now so Bobo is reunited with his pack. He's a slight pain in the ass, but most other living things are in one way or another and he has a lot of redeeming qualities. We've had a good week. I still look forward to showering in peace, though.

Bobo in motion

happy Bobo

sleepy Bobo

A room with a view

I really should start these before 11pm. But I'm too busy during the day to take a break and write! I had considered visiting friends today but after a very long day at baronial birthday and this head cold, I wasn't going anywhere. We even skipped Ian's swim lesson today.

Rich and I spent most of today cleaning and reorganizing our master bedroom to give Ian his own room. For those keeping track, we have waited four years to create a "nursery". Because our upstairs bedrooms are both huge (this house is effectively a Cape Cod, just a very big one), it seemed silly to give Ian the other 15x24 room upstairs. So we gave him the back third of our room.

Rich bought a room divider screen and we wedged it between my dresser and his. We put his bed in the corner and made space for books with a new bookcase. He has a new nightstand with a lamp and iPad charger. And Rich ordered some ninja turtle decals for the walls.

We are all very pleased. The room feels more organized, we removed several pounds of dog hair hiding under furniture and Ian seems excited.

Granted he's lying next to me in our bed right now but we'll transfer him to his own bed once we're ready to sleep.

This should hold us for another four years or so.

Ian's new bedroom

Ian's new room - books etc.

Ian's new room - the dresser and screen

Ian's room - outside looking in