Great Day

Today has been such a great day, I feel I need to write it down for the record. Rich left with Travis for an SCA event at 7:30 this morning, leaving Ian and I on our own. I lounged in bed reading the Internet on the iPad while Ian slept until 9am!

We rallied for breakfast at home (he had banana and veggie rice biscuit thingies, I had yogurt and oatmeal) and then after a quick diaper change (where I felt so smart because I knew a poop was coming so I left him in a disposable for breakfast) we headed out to a local yard sale.

The yard sale happens twice a year and they have tons of clothes. I picked up two stuffed grocery bags of clothes for Ian for $20 in under an hour and we were back home in time for some playing and then lunch.

I sauteed mushrooms and spinach for my sandwich wrap and Ian's a la carte lunch (the boy loves him some spinach and mushrooms) and we had a tasty lunch. Then it was time for a nap. We snuggled in the bed for a bit until he fell asleep around 12:30. I briefly pondered getting up to clean the house while he napped, but thought better of it and we both napped soundly until 2:45. That was awesome.

He woke up chatting and grinning and we headed downstairs for a snack. Yo baby yogurt (love that stuff!) was had and then Mom called. We took the dog out for a long walk that ended at my parents' house. Ian entertained them for several hours while we watched a fascinating documentary on moonshine. My father laughed and smiled huge smiles and took Ian down to show him off to the neighbors. He commented several times about how we could sell tickets to spend time with him.

Then it was time to head back home. We regrouped, got a fresh diaper and headed out to Panera for dinner. I swear I could eat there every day for all meals. My favorite cashier Ashley was there and we chatted about the baby. He finished all his chicken, mushrooms, spinach and carrots as well as a good chunk of my broccoli cheddar soup while I indulged in my french toast bagel (they make those with cinnamon and crack, I'm convinced). Then it was a quick stop at the drive thru pharmacy so they'll stop calling me about my prescription every day and home for a bath.

Bath time is one of my favorite things these days, as is Ian's. I start the water running and he stands at the edge of the tub hooting with joy and desperately lifting one leg to try to crawl in. We both climbed in and played with the frat cups of water (best bath toy ever!) Then we had our typical nursing in the tub time where he looks up and notices there are boobs in the tub too! This bath just gets better and better! So he nursed while I poured frat cups of water over him to keep him warm and he giggled as the water tickled his belly.

After bath time it's typically time for extended naked nursing. I don't even try to put a diaper on him because he just gets impatient that there are boobs RIGHT THERE and why aren't we nursing instead of messing with all this diaper nonsense! So we curled up in the bed while he was still wrapped in a towel (just in case) and snuggled and nursed until he got sleepy. Then he rolled over, sighed and fell asleep. I waited a few minutes to make sure he was really out and then put his bed time diaper on him (we use disposables for overnight and cloth during the day).

And now it's not even 9pm and since I had a great big nap today I feel energized to get some stuff done. There's laundry going and I might even break out the sewing machine in a bit. But first I might try a bit of yoga to round out such a fine day.

I know all this may seem pretty mundane but it was just so incredibly stress-free and joyful and pleasant I feel like I need to write it down so I can go back and read it when I'm having a crappy day. I missed seeing our friends, but today is exactly what I was needing to recharge from the week.

Hope you're all having a restful weekend too!

Living Out Loud volume 21: Back to school

There are many things about Facebook that chap me (deleting breastfeeding photos, making privacy changes without sufficient info, karnflabbit FARMVILLE!), but I still find myself checking it every single day. I admit I check it more often than Twitter these days. And while there are updates from co-workers and close friends, there are also updates from people I never thought I'd hear from again. A girl I shared science with just finished a triathalon (!) this weekend and posted pictures of a play date with her five (!) kids. Another girl who was always stylishly dressed and coiffed in high school just finished 24 pushups using the iPhone 100 pushups app. The picked-on guy who never had a girlfriend is married and soon to be a dad. Personally, I love getting these updates.

But this isn't about Facebook. This is about the difference between high school and who we are now. Some of these people I couldn't stand in 1992 and now I'm cooing over their baby pictures. Is each of us very different now? Would we find the high school version of ourselves pretty insufferable?

Tell us about your high school self. In the Breakfast Club version of your school were you the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess or the criminal? Are there people you would love to find from high school? Others you'd love to forget? How do you compare to what you were then? Would your English teacher recognize you? Would he or she be proud of you?

Details include:

  • Write something personal about yourself using the previous paragraphs as a guideline. Do not feel that you have to address each prompt above. The spirit of this project is to share something about yourself; I'm just throwing out ideas.
  • Once you have completed your entry and posted it, please email me the link at genie [at] inabottle [dot] org. Remember, if you don't email me, I'm likely to forget to include you in the recap!
  • If you do not have a blog to host your story, you can email me the story directly and I will add it here as a guest post giving you credit. The more the merrier!
  • The due date for entries is Sunday, October 3rd (the first Sunday of the month) at 5pm Eastern.
  • Once I have collected all the entries, I will post a wrap-up to list them all and announce a winner. The winner will receive some sort of prize to be determined but all participants will receive fame and glory and a link on our Living Out Loud blogroll.

Bonus points for embarrassing photos!

Just a few things

Things that irritate me right now: - I hate all of my underwear. None of it fits right anymore which makes me think my ass got bigger but only so that my undies don't fit but my pants do. My knickers are literally twisted. I shopped for new undies but refuse to pay top dollar for them. Please send underwear testimonials stat.

Things that please me these days:

- Ms. Kitty is sleeping in the bed with us again every night. I do love that cat even though she's surly to pretty much everyone else.

- Holy crap the weather this weekend! I just wanted to be outside all the time!

- I've been more adventurous in the kitchen lately. I'm also going to make a cookbook on how to cook ridiculously small portions of food for your baby (e.g. three baby carrots).

- The way the Hispanic day care ladies pronounce couscous (see above). Absolute riot.

- My hair is exactly the color and style I wanted and one third the price since I switched to my new stylist.

- I've caught up on my feed reader. It may have involved a lot of skimming but I'm caught up and that feels good.

- Rich and I went to see Scott Pilgrim on Sunday and then had lunch where we didn't have to feed or entertain a baby. Ian was also a perfect child for my parents while we were gone.

- We've been watching a lot of Jeeves and Wooster together and it's a good combo of campy shenanigans and clever dialogue.

- Ian is over the virus whatever he had last week and back to nursing with gusto. He's pawing at my shirt saying "nananana" and I'm pleased as punch. I'd missed him.