Sarah was a good dog

I miss my dog.


She has always been my dog, for all her 13 years and no matter who I lived with. Jeremy and I were looking for a mate for our elderly dog Casey and found a newspaper ad for a "b collie mix" in Roanoke. The b we assumed to mean border collie and that sounded great to us. When we arrived at the couple's house and saw this scrawny version of Lassie, we realized our mistake but we were committed. I think she was free.

Sarah when we first got her

She became my dog when she turned out to be such a problem. She was over a year old and not socialized or housebroken. She had attachment issues and was a 60 pound dog who wanted to be in your pocket.

We struggled with housebreaking her for years. It wasn't until Jeremy and I divorced and she was on her own with me and the cat that she really flourished. That was in 2002. She went on hundreds of walks with me on the beach. She rode in my Mini Cooper many times to Richmond to visit Rich. She did well with inviting a sassy Scottish terrier to come live with us when Rich and Connor came here.

She never needed a leash. She was the definition of a companion dog, never straying more than a few feet from us. Softly speaking her name would get her to come to you or go lie down, whichever was appropriate. And unless she was sick, she never messed in the house.

Then we moved to this new house 18 months ago. She had two scary spells of vestibular disease where she lost all balance for a week at a time. Then her hips got worse and we had to carry her in and out of the house. Then she had a hard time with our hardwood floors downstairs. Then she lost control of her bowels, ironically bringing on a reappearance of the "turd fairy" that we thought we'd outsmarted years ago.

Then it got harder to trick her into taking her pain pills. Then she had an even harder time walking around, routinely getting jackknifed on furniture and lacking the strength to get herself up off the floor without a lot of alarming banging around.

Saturday morning I carried her out to the yard but she wasn't strong enough to pee. She wouldn't eat her wet food or take her pills. And by the afternoon, I realized she had two bedsores on her side, one of which had torn open.

I carried her to the car and took her to the emergency vet, not wanting to give up on her but wondering if she would come home with me again. I realized I was able to easily carry her inside in one arm. She didn't fight me when I laid her on the towel in the waiting room. We weighed her and I was alarmed to see she'd withered down to 40 pounds.

I carried her back to the exam room and she let me put her on the table and didn't move. I talked to the vet and we had the "quality of life" talk. We couldn't keep her current bed sores clean, let alone keep her from getting more. And the antibiotics she'd need would just make her sick. So we opted to just help her go to sleep.

The vet took our picture for me. She came back with an assistant and I held her while they put her to sleep. I opted for getting her cremated for us because it's a mess to dig a hole large enough for a collie, particularly when it's 90F outside.

I thought I was okay. I had a good cry on the way home. We had friends in town and the distraction of dinner was nice. And I was okay with it until bedtime. We have our routine of putting Sarah out then getting her settled in the kitchen while Mollie comes upstairs to sleep with us. But Mollie kept pacing around and wouldn't come upstairs. It was breaking my heart. So I had to stay up late and write all this to say goodbye to a great dog.

I miss you, Sarah.

saying goodbye

Getting my voice back

This is going to cover about a month's worth of blog posts that have been rattling around in my head so bear with me. First, I'm writing this from the Panera Bread near our house. I'm doing this because if I am in the house with my son he tends to fuss if I am not in contact with him. Everyone said the newborn phase would be hard, but that was a cake walk. This phase is harder for me. My baby weighs 21 freaking pounds and wants to be held by Mama and only Mama. He claws at my shirt for milk and cries "MAMAMAMAMAMA" if I'm even standing two feet from him.

So I have arranged at least one day a week where I leave the house and get some alone time with no one clawing at me or pulling my hair calling my name. I have missed this.

I'm also writing this on my new iPad. Rich got it for me for Mother's Day and the idea was that my work laptop could stay at work and I would use this for puttering on the Internet at home. It is a neat little device but I am certainly not in love with it. I keep trying to use it like a real computer and keep running into roadblocks. Flash compatibility is a pain. I'd like to be able to multi-task apps. I'd like to be able to hit the damn tab key on my docking station's keyboard and have it tab to the next field and not randomly send me back to the home screen. Grr.

But it's lightweight and it's fun to play Angry Birds in high def and it's nice for showing photos to my parents. The battery lasts forever so I'm not hunting for power plugs and I know how most stuff will behave because of my iPhone. But if I had to choose between an iPhone and an iPad, I'd pick the phone.

I had written this whole quaint entry just a few minutes ago but my iPad ate it when I accidentally went to the home screen and a bug in the notes app I was using didn't save my entry. So ... yeah ... a little frustrated with my "revolutionary device" right now. But my entry wasn't the next great American novel. It was a post about how Ian is starting to crawl and I got all jealous that another baby that's three weeks younger is a better crawler than he is. The point is I need to chill out and be as non-competitive with my baby as I am with my own stuff and realize there are no Crawling Olympics and everyone can get a trophy and be just fine.

Ian and I have had a horrible cold recently. It's apparently the same horrible cold that lots of other people have had, but it sucked the life right out of me. That combined with clingy snotty baby was really cramping my style. Well, that and waking up at 3am with an intense ear ache that Sudafed couldn't put a dent in and putting hot compresses on my ear and worrying that if I took too much Sudafed (that wasn't really doing much good anyways) it would reduce my milk supply (thank you for that worry point, Dr. Google!).

Funny, an older guy just came up and asked me if my iPad was as cool as everyone said it was. So I guess it is a nice way to meet people.

Oh, right, so this horrible cold. In addition to causing my ear to feel like it had an ice pick in it, I also lost my voice. I lost my voice the day before I had my new employee start work. So in addition to explaining to her how to get on SharePoint and where her virtual server was, I felt like I should be asking her how she wanted her hash browns as I did my best truck stop waitress impression.

Holy shit there's a guy in here wearing a t-shirt with a giant wolf head on it in a non-ironic way. He also has a handlebar mustache and a camouflage ball cap. Again, all in non-ironic fashion.

So, right, so my voice is mostly back and Ian's cough is mostly gone. And our pool is open and it's sunny and 92F. And we have friends in town and plan on grilling dinner on our new deck. So life is pretty good these days. I still have more to fill you all in on, but I think I'm ready to go back home for a bit and enjoy the weekend.

Recap of Living Out Loud volume 17: All in the family

Whew, another month has flown by and this one has been particularly busy for me (note the distinct lack of updates lately). But it's always good to see my gang of LOLers still pull through for me. These were all a joy to read! Rachel's The rascal's family I love that nickname, very clever. And it's amazing how history can repeat itself.

Peggy's It's All Relative I love looking at pictures of kids and comparing them to adults. My brother and I look almost identical, I think. I keep meaning to get baby pictures of me and Rich and our brothers to see who Ian favors.

Candice's Learning how to love and cry Ah, postpartum hormones. My parents have never been overly emotional until recently so we've never had to deal with "fuzzy screens" but I'm finding myself more empathetic to them every day now as a parent.

Ruth's Chew It Up Good There is a famous family recording of my yelling "LOOK WHAT HE BRANG ME!" on Christmas morning, and yet I still manage to command the English language now. :) And yeah, heredity can sometimes feel like a trap and other times like a warm blanket.

Megan's Too Much Fun? Not Mom I laughed about her collecting ex-boyfriends. I tend to collect Rich's ex-girlfriends so I can empathize. And now I want to hang out with your mom.

SuziCate's Does The Apple Really Fall That Far From The Tree? Wow your parents really do look alike. And my mother always used to hear how beautiful her sister was and how she had such a sweet personality. So yeah, we understand that whole ugly duckling thing.

Jessica's Family resemblance I'm fascinated how you and your sister look so different but I can see both of your parents in you, both temperament and features. As for Tommy, I have a hard time pinning any particular features to one or the other of you. He's a little potpourri of you both. :)

And my own Nurturing my nature

I found this topic to be really fun to read, if difficult to get started writing about. I attribute that to my own writers block of sorts these days, though. I love looking at pictures of people and many of you offered up a ton to peruse. I also love to see physical characteristics and personality traits grow in people.

This month I choose Candice as our winner. I admit to having a soft spot for her as a new mother and seeing how she's found a new quality in herself she didn't think was there really stuck with me. Candice will receive a $25 Amazon gift certificate as her prize, but you all receive my eternal thanks for playing along with me this month.

I'm already churning up an idea for our next theme (as well as several other blog posts that have been percolating) so stay tuned!