Living Out Loud volume 14: Gone fishin'

My mother is 72 years old and still works full time. When I told her I was pregnant, she claimed she was going to retire, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm not sure it will any time soon. She told her friends (who are all retired) that whenever she sees the old lady working at Hardee's she thinks she doesn't want to have to come out of retirement to work at a place like that. My father, on the other hand, still talks about getting another job driving a cab or the like. I'm not sure he understands what retirement means. When Rich was in the Army, he had a first sergeant who had joined when he was 18. His plan was to put in his 20 years, retire and drive a beer truck. He had it all figured out. That was his plan. We're not really sure if he fully understood that driving the beer truck doesn't mean you get to drink the beer in the truck.

If you've seen the E Trade baby commercials, I'm sure you've noticed that planning for one's future is important. Everyone talks about making sure you have what you need for retirement. But most of what they're talking about is just the money part.

This brings me to our Living Out Loud theme for the month. Tell me what your retirement plan is. Do you even have a retirement plan? Do you figure you're just going to die at your desk? Do you want to travel? Do you plan on starting a side business? Do you think you'll be a Wal-Mart greeter? The point isn't really about the money. It's more about where you see yourself when you're in those "autumn years" or if you plan on getting a head start on those in the summer years of your life. Do you have ideas of what you'll do in the next phase of your life?

Details include:

  • Write something personal about yourself using the previous paragraphs as a guideline. Do not feel that you have to address each issue above. The spirit of this project is to share something about yourself; I'm just throwing out ideas.
  • Once you have completed your entry and posted it, please email me the link at genie [at] inabottle [dot] org. Remember, if you don't email me, I'm likely to forget to include you in the recap!
  • If you do not have a blog to host your story, you can email me the story directly and I will add it here as a guest post giving you credit. The more the merrier!
  • The due date for entries is Sunday, March 7th (the first Sunday of the month) at 5pm Eastern.
  • Once I have collected all the entries, I will post a wrap-up to list them all and announce a winner. The winner will receive some sort of prize to be determined but all participants will receive fame and glory and a link on our Living Out Loud blogroll.

Because it took me forever to pick a theme this month, you've got less than two weeks. But if you're like me, most of you wait til the last minute anyways. I look forward to hearing what your plans are!

Lunch Date

I have Quaker high fiber oatmeal and a yogurt every weekday morning for breakfast. I'm fine with this routine. Rich and I have started eating at home more lately and I'm also fine with this. But lunch during the week has become my Waterloo. Since I'm nursing Ian at lunch every weekday, I'm going across the street to the day care for that hour. Because of his feeding schedule, I generally leave from 12:30 to 1:30. Rich and the others go out to lunch from 12-1. So even if Rich got me something while he was out, it would be very cold by 1:30 when I could eat it. That and I would starve by then.

I've been trying a variety of frozen meals from Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine. One day I had nothing but edamame and crackers for lunch. I'm feeling uninspired by all of it.

So this is where I turn to you all. What do you eat for lunch? Do you pack something each morning? Do you have a cafeteria in your office? Do you go out for burgers etc? I have read horror stories of vending machine meals that make me cringe. I don't want that. I just want something tasty and easy and healthy.


Brain dump

In case you missed it, I failed to include Rachel from Crunchy Turtle in my initial recap of our 13th Living Out Loud project. I really need to get more organized with these entries. That or I need an intern. I'm in a surprisingly good mood, which makes me want to write. But I can't think of much to write about, so I think you're going to get a brain dump.

My Google Reader is officially Out of Control. I literally need to assign myself homework of reading blogs to keep up. And I think I'm going to dole out a little tough love and pare down my reading list. If it's taking away from sleep or laundry (two of my highest priorities these days) it has to be better than mundane.

Oh, kettle, you are so very very black!

I've been working on our taxes lately and let me tell you, it's a giant pain in the ass. Not only am I delving into the world of depreciation for our rental property, I've realized I should have done our taxes last year differently. Hooray amended returns! I am dreading doing that too, but really shouldn't since it could possibly be enough of a difference to pay for a new refrigerator, one that doesn't spontaneously wet the floor and has a handle on the freezer door. I could paperwork my way to a new fridge! I just have to get off my ass and do it. Any second now. Just gonna download those forms and hop to it. Here I go. Watch me.

Our entire household has colds. Rich stayed home sick today and I brought Ian home at lunch because he was probably going to infect all the other babies and I didn't want to be That Mother That Selfishly Spreads Baby Plague. So he slept for four hours in his car seat while I worked. All in all, not so bad.

I think he's getting a tooth since there has been increased drooling and some general weariness. Here's hoping he sleeps a little better tonight since he kicked me in the belly all last night. I still love having him in our bed, I just might need to fashion padded booties to put on him.