A much sunnier day today

Yes, we finally have power! But I think now that we aren't in survival mode, I've had a chance to realize how much it wore me out. All of a sudden this evening I just feel weary. Some good things. My Moby wrap came in the mail yesterday and I've had good luck with testing it out today. Ian is able to control his head a little better than he has in the past so he doesn't feel quite as fragile. My crotch is marginally better today thanks to some liberal applications of witch hazel. And if the record holds, Rich should come home from his hockey game with his knee feeling much better as hockey mysteriously makes his knee hurt less versus more.

Now I just have to hope that this achy feeling that came over me this evening is just fatigue and not cooties.


No we still don't have power. Yes I'm still pecking this out on my iPhone. The rumor is we may not get power until Monday because they're waiting for waters to recede in our area. But no one really knows.

My crotch has taken to hurting significantly more these days and I'm convinced some stitches have gone away prematurely. But of course no one will be able to help me with that until Monday.

Rich's knee is giving him lots of trouble today in addition to some mystery pain in his arm. So we're all a little cranky here.

But Ian is unphased and his big accomplishment has been to lose his umbilical cord stub this morning. So we've all been doing a bit of navel gazing today.

We have heat, hot water, some lights and a working fridge thanks to a generator. And there's no damage to our property. So we're trying to stay positive. The cute baby helps.


Making the best of the hand we were dealt

Things I've learned today: - how to wire our gas furnace circulator up to a generator using a "pig tail" outlet cord - how to test a generator's cycles using a plug-in clock - the procedures to plug and unplug the fridge from the generator - generator fumes get in everything - the best way to appreciate my Mini Cooper which I've fallen out of love with for its limited space is to loan it to my mother - my mother is many wonderful things, but she is a pretty crappy driver - my husband is pretty good at Rummy but not a good card shuffler

Friday night no lights

Still no power but we're making the best of it. The baby doesn't seem to care since it doesn't really affect his schedule of sleeping, nursing and pooping. At least Rich and I are getting more sleep now too. I still wake up at each feeding, though, hoping the clock radio will be lit up.