Impromptu project night with Dad

Originally, I went by Mom and Dad's on the way home to install a USB 2.0 card in her computer and a hub on her desk for her to more easily use all the jump drives she has. That took about 20 minutes. Helping Dad taking the limbs out of the pine tree took all night. I did have a good time, though, talking to Mom on the ground and helping Dad with the ropes and ladder and saws. But I have a bit of a stiff neck from staring up a tree all night and I lost my sunglasses in the ivy somewhere. Oh, well ... it's cheaper than Daddy falling out of a tree.

My father turned 65 six days ago. When we had trouble getting the limb to come loose, Dad said he may have to climb out on the limb like a squirrel and chew the last of it free.

a thorn in my paw

My recap for Memorial Day weekend is that this really fucking hurt (the link may ook you out if you are easily ooked, but there is no blood). I'm only barely able to type with that finger which means words with i' k's and the comma generally kick my ass. In contrast to the pain of this afternoon, my highlight for the weekend was the birthday cake from shaped like a Hello Kitty head. The heat and my own personal issues with the medieval reenactment game we play wore me down for a lot of the weekend. But seeing all of my friends was very nice.

As a note, the Puddin' fought in 12 of the 13 tournaments this weekend (only excusing himself from the Order of the Kraken Challenge Tourney) and accumulated 125 points in the Iron Man tournament (I believe second place had 96 points). He has quite an array of bruises on him, which we may catalog once they develop more. I mention these things only because I know it is not in his nature to mention it in his own web space, and I found it worthy of noting.