Baby Harrison

We had a visitor this afternoon. My brother's little boy Harrison came by to hang out for a few hours. Ian had a hard time understanding why Harrison couldn't play ninjas with him or even watch ninjas on TV. So he eventually resigned himself to playing blocks.

Playing blocks

After a short nap, Harrison was willing to be my little sous chef in the kitchen. He just sat in the chair in wonder as I cooked stuff at the stove. It was his own Food Network channel.

We discovered he likes broccoli but he then went bonkers when I showed him the bottle. So we had a little co-chill in the recliner while he worked on his milk.

Post broccoli bottle

Ian had a hard time not being the only baby in the house. Particularly when he started getting tired and wanted to crawl in my lap but it was already full of Harrison. At one point, Ian said, "hey let's pretend I'm Baby Harrison and that Baby Harrison is Ian. I can curl up in your lap and you can snuggle me."

So tonight Ian and I had some snuggle time of our own on the love seat. We are still in a holding pattern before we go making any siblings for Ian while Rich is still getting treatment, but for now it's nice just having one baby in the house, no matter how huge he may be in my lap.

Shopping spree

Today was a pretty good day. Heidi and I went up to Holiday Faire to putter and shop. I spent a million dollars but I got a lot of unique hand made gifts and some very handy resources for cooking. Many thanks to my folks for watching Ian this morning to help Rich recover from his man cold. Who would think that driving and shopping could be so exhausting? And then when I got home, I was inspired to move the cat cage and shuffle furniture in the living room.

Too tired to share much more. I need to get to bed so I can rest up for Ian's swim lesson in the morning.

Kung fu Friday night

We had an impromptu showing of Kung Fu Panda as soon as we got home which lead to everyone hankering for noodle soup. So off we went to Pho 79 for ... well, pho ... and then our customary stop at Krispy Kreme for hot doughnuts. It probably blew my calorie count for the day, but whatev. Watching Ian get stoked about Vietnamese noodles with meatballs and then showing off his best martial arts moves in the parking lot was a pretty nice way to spend the evening.

Eating pho