No such thing as too much information

I see my therapist Gary every other Friday. When I come in and sit down, he asks me how I'm doing. Not every visit, but many times the topic of my blogging comes up. I explain to him that the more I'm writing the better I feel. Gary is not a writer. He's a good man and he's clever and he has many interesting stories, but he is not a writer. He's not a sharer. So when I say I feel better because I've been writing more, he just smiles politely. This week, a friend was lamenting to me about how complicated life was getting. He blurted out, "sometimes I just wish it could be like it was five years ago when everything was great." I laughed at him, "Really?! Not me! Every year is better than the last as far as I'm concerned. Not that it sucked five years ago, but that was then. I don't want to go back to all that. I just want to concentrate on this year."

Rich teases me because I pull out the camera or iPhone so much. I record cute things Ian does. I capture clever license plates. I share funny things anyone says on Twitter. But I love to go back through all that. I had an unplanned vet appointment for Isis yesterday and had to wait a long time as they squeezed us in. Sitting in an empty exam room, I could scroll through my camera roll or Twitter feed or blog to stroll down memory lane. I don't care that most of that is public. I just love having it for myself.

It pleases me that I don't necessarily have to have Disney movies on my phone to entertain the boy. I just have to have tons of "b roll" footage of him doing anything and he's fascinated to see that little boy in the phone doing stuff just like he does. We all like to see others going through familiar scenarios.

That's what I love about writing online. I like sharing the mundane magic of our everyday lives. I like knowing we're not the only ones struggling with toddler molars or pool chemicals or the astronomical cost of concrete. And there is some small risk in sharing, but there is so much more for me personally to be gained.

Am I a writer? Probably. But I'm also a photographer, a historian, a journalist, an editor and an artist. I'm an over-sharer and an sympathizer. The world of blogging (and by blogging I mean sharing my life on the Internet) has forever changed my world for the better. I am no novelist. I'm barely a poet. But I am a writer.

Remembering -- no, motivating myself to write on a regular basis is that same struggle others have with going to the gym. I come up with every single reason to not do it, but invariably after each post I feel worlds better than before. So while someone who goes to the gym may not call themselves an athlete, we are all putting in the time and energy and that deserves something. So yes, I am a writer. I'm a writer because I write.

Living Out Loud volume 29: On Writing

I'm not going to BlogHer this year. I've gone to every BlogHer except the first one but I'm not going this year. I thought I would be more upset about it, but I'm strangely at peace. First, I am going to the EVO conference in just a few more weeks. I've never been to that before and it's in Utah, which I've also never been to so I'm double-excited. After making all those plans, though, and realizing I'm going to a conference for work mere days before BlogHer, I just couldn't justify the extra expense and stress of another conference that soon. Our summer is already jam-packed as it is. I'm trying not to over-schedule myself, monetarily or emotionally. My therapist would be proud.

Taking a pass on BlogHer has made me put a lot of thought into why I go and my relationship with this blog. There are many aspects of BlogHer that don't speak to me. I'm not trying to monetize my blog. I'm not worried about SEO. I've made a whopping $50 on all my writing thus far (thank you, BlogHer!) and that wouldn't even cover a fraction of my web hosting fees. But when I talked with Rich about the $1000+ it will cost me to get to Utah this summer, he shrugged. "You don't buy hockey equipment. You're not going to Pennsic. This is your big thing. It's important to you."

But why is it important to me? Am I blogger? Am I a writer? Am I an artist? Am I an armchair historian? Is this an electronic scrapbook?

That got me to thinking about all of us. My parents will occasionally tell me "you should write down the words that Ian can say now." They're unaware of my monthly newsletters to Ian or all the images I'm chronicling. So how much of any of this do we do for others versus ourselves? Do we write things down like a virtual grocery list to be discarded as irrelevant in a few weeks or are we crafting paper boats to set out into the night hoping that others will find them?

I lost a month recently. I tried doing a post ever day in May to get my writing fingers nimble again but ran out of steam before Memorial Day weekend. My in box at work is insane, I have lost a large number of toddler socks somewhere in the house, I'm being overcome by yellow summer squash in my back yard and I still haven't a picked a date for when we'll have Bunco at my house. But I'm carving out time to sit down at this keyboard.

So let's spend some time ruminating on all that in our latest volume of Living Out Loud. Tell me if you're writer. Is it important to you? What got you started writing (or have you not yet started, though you keep meaning to)? Do you think you'll be writing in 5, 10 or 20 years? What does that mean to you? Who do yo think will be reading it all then?

Details include:

  • Write something personal about yourself using the previous paragraphs as a guideline. Do not feel that you have to address each prompt above. The spirit of this project is to share something about yourself; I'm just throwing out ideas.
  • Once you have completed your entry and posted it, please email me the link at genie [at] inabottle [dot] org. Remember, if you don't email me, I'm likely to forget to include you in the recap!
  • If you do not have a blog to host your story, you can email me the story directly and I will add it here as a guest post giving you credit. The more the merrier!
  • The due date for entries is Sunday, July 3rd (the first Sunday of the month and a holiday weekend so plan accordingly) at 5pm Eastern.
  • Once I have collected all the entries, I will post a wrap-up to list them all and announce a winner. The winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card but all participants will receive fame and glory and a link on our Living Out Loud blogroll.

Note that this gives you about three weeks to collect your thoughts. If you're going out of town, drag yourself to the computer mid-week. If you've pondered what you might say for so many previous LOLs, here's your chance to let us have it! I'm super excited about this topic and can't wait to see what you all have to share. Let us know why you ever pondered putting electronic pen to virtual paper, as it were.

Recap of Living Out Loud 28: Sweet Dreams

Erin's Frankly, Miss Scarlett...I stayed up as a teenager all night reading the Godfather and never left the bed until I finished it. But mine was just a teenager's schedule versus anxiety.

Rachel's Day Four I'm so happy for your new opportunity and that it's helping you sleep more soundly!

Deb's Sweet Dreams That feeling of waking up before the alarm is awesome!

Peg's Wake Me Up Before ... Wow there's a lot going on in your house at all hours! Nobody is sleeping!

SuziCate's O Sleep, Where Art Thou I am a snooze button artist! And yes, my best ideas come in the middle of the night. :)

And my own Sleeping with the wolves

This was a fun foray into a new topic and I'm very interested in what everyone had to say. I feel lucky to get as good of sleep as I do. I have slept through a lightning storm right outside our hotel room where Rich thought the sky was on fire. I have a talent for sleeping HARD.

This month I pick Erin as our winner. I feel horrible for the hard time she's had getting sleep. And no, it's not good practice for having a kid. It will just give you more to worry about. So Erin wins our $25 Amazon gift card this month but everyone earns my gratitude for participating!

Stay tuned for our next topic soon! I'm trying to write something every day this month so I have no excuse to not get off my butt and announce a topic. :)