DLand - Running Cups

It's a quiet (but busy) day at work today so I've been rummaging through old music on my computer. This is a Good Thing (TM) as I have lost a fair number of cds around my house and the version on my computer is the only one I can find. Take that copyright police! Take it right in your fair use ear!Ahem. My mother now has a new minivan. It's not “grand” but has tinted windows to hide all her junk and has heat (unlike her last car) and no leaking windows (unlike her last car). Her automotive cup runneth over. I sense another family crisis coming soon. The junk is starting to pile up again and the stress level is rising. And while I can understand my parents' desire to keep things (I'm a card carrying packrat myself), there are limits to it. I don't think they should throw everything they have away. But there has to be a better way. Then again, I'm not really sure how many people have to be so involved in their parents' lives. I truly appreciate my parents and their endless generosity. Frankly both Jeremy and I could have had a hard time coming up with places to live during our separation had it not been for them. I mow my lawn with their lawn mower. I've borrowed their truck a fair share of times. And Mom became my own personal H&R Block last night. I guess I just need to remember more of those things when Daddy calls because he can't get to his email or Mom wants me to save boxes for her in my dining room. Despite all their quirks, my parental cup runs over as well.

DLand - Me and Monday Monkey

“Monday Monkey lives for the weekends, sir.”- Lela the cyclops space pilot on Futurama Today has just been one of those days. This morning, I left a pitiful note for the UPS guy on my front door begging him to leave my medical supplies on the front porch since National Diabetic Pharmacies mailed them to the wrong address and I couldn't get home to meet him and sign on the LCD screen (dotted line, be damned). I then rifled through my mail on the way to work to find a letter inviting me to jury duty. Much like the Simpsons episode, I would have been more enticed by a letter inviting me to be a part of the Justice Force that meets every Monday at 9am. It was a disturbing concept to read the letter Dan wrote asking to excuse me from jury duty or at least postpone my involvement until August 2003. The letter had words like “catastrophic” and “corporate longevity” in it. I think I'm supposed to be flattered by my crucial role in the company. But right now I just want a nap. We'll work up to a day off later. As if my day weren't just stellar enough today, I decided to do our taxes. And while I owe a fair chunk of change this year, I'm still a liberal (sorry Colin and FoxPhotog, I know you're disappointed). I can take solace in the fact that I have held on to this cash for over 12 months and done wild and crazy things with it instead of paying it to the government all along. Yeah, I can justify anything. One positive thing today is that my note to the UPS guy worked and he left my package for me on the doorstep. My weekend just went a little better than today did so far. But I didn't get home until after 7, so making it to Finnr's memorial service was not going to happen tonight. Maybe I'm better off staying home and remembering him and all his smiles on my own. I had a wild idea to post my blood sugar readings at the bottom of all my entries for a while to give a litmus test of my diabetes these days. But I just checked it and it's 44mg/dL. Did I mention it was 265mg/dL earlier today? Pardon me while I go eat something. I think I should get points for spelling all of the words right in this garbled entry if nothing else (that's assuming I did spell them all right).

DLand - Just Call Me Daisy

It was a whirlwind weekend, I tell you what. The snow did hit Richmond this weekend. Well, I use the term “snow” loosely as it was more ice and icky stuff. I know, technical term. Saturday was a great day of socializing and accomplishing some bit of craft work over at Corby and Thjora's. It was a bummer we had to bail early though as the weather got worse. To quote Christian, “All your friends are here, Genie, get off of Diaryland!”The rest of the weekend basically involved staying out of the elements and braving a trip to the grocery store. Monday I worked from home which was nice in that I had that option and crappy in that the rest of the known world was off from work that day. Ah, well, take the good with the bad. My biggest adventure was actually just getting home today, more specifically getting into the Mini. The doors had frozen shut and NOTHING was getting them open. Not my pushing and Rich pulling and my shaking fists. So, not really wanting to get involved with it at the time, we opted for the escape pod method. I crawled in through the hatch and Rich shut me inside. One push to get my little hover craft out of the parking space and I was off into the blue. This was a great idea until I realized that my car only had about 60 miles left on the tank of gas in it. My technologically advanced onboard computer told me that. The same one that told me it was 27 degrees F outside. All this on the car I couldn't actually get into and out of without assistance. So I took off thinking that it will all thaw out by the time I get to a gas station. Silly Genie. I made it as far as exit 205 past Richmond. I chose some random Texaco station and pulled in. Hmm. How to get out? I could get my windows down but couldn't get the doors open. “No problem, I'll just go out the way I came in ...” Ah, the Mini doesn't have a latch (at least that I could find) to open the hatch from the inside. At this point, I'm lounging in the back of my little car looking longingly out the back glass before crawling back to the front of the car to roll down a window and ask for some help. Thankfully, the nice man in the pickup behind me let me out. I started pumping gas into the little space pod and more and more folks kept asking about it. Apparently Eastern Richmond has never seen a Mini before. They asked how I liked it (“Great, when I can get in the doors!”), what kind of engine it had, if it were the super charged version (it is). I even had a man in a camoflauged ball cap and a toothless grin ask me about my air ram. It was a red letter day. So once it was time to take off, I couldn't think of an easy way to get in again. Bo and Luke Duke would have been proud. My car has that feature where you can unlock the doors with the key and if you hold it, the windows roll down. Good thing, because I wasn't sure how I was going to get to the window toggles otherwise if I couldn't get inside. I loosened my boots so as to not mar the leather interior and high-sided it into the shuttle craft. There was no 01 on the side of my car and the Dixie horn did not play but the clientele at Texaco were all very impressed. To be honest, I was too. By the time I had made it home and then back to the American Pride Car Wash (with ultra soft hot water), I was starting to get the hang of it. But I've never heard such a satisfying sound as the click and whoosh of my door opening on its hinges.