DLand - Dan's Warped Fantasies

Dan says: I am about to get a fax from a ticket place in Atlanta ... will you scan it and send it to me?Genie says: ah, sure Dan says: for OUR Braves tix ... since you are too snotty to be seen with us Genie says: yep. going to Cake. Dan says: really .... Cake ... the band Genie says: yep Dan says: uhhhh .... you are a .... how do I put it .... FREAK Dan says: Satan is MY MOTOR too Genie says: HA - “some people, they call me monster. some people, they call me saint.” Dan says: some people they call you DAMN FREAK :-) Genie says: hehe - I could co-chill with the 8000 lesbian librarians at the Indigo Girls concert instead ... Genie says: not that there's anything *wrong* with that. :) Dan says: hmmm .... what a terribly warped fantasy .... 8000 lesbians ... that are all librarians .... Like 1,000,000 gallons of non-fat puke flavored ice cream Genie says: HAHAHAHA

DLand - Food? No Thanks, I'll Pass

Food and I have just not been getting along lately. I go to restaurants. I order food. I look at it. I have a few cat moments of batting it around the plate. I eat approximately 1/10 of it. I suddenly feel full. I abort the whole eating concept. Maybe I'm getting sick.We went out for seafood for dinner tonight and that, I must say, was a Bad Idea(tm). I had a small bit of shrimp and oysters. And now I wish I could go back in time and return that food to get it out of my stomach. Ugh. I did eat one lonely hush puppy too. Another stupid idea. Bossman: “Did you know Frank had never heard of hush puppies?” Russ: “What, did he grow up in a cave?” Dan: “Up north.” All: “Ah, same thing.” I'm not sure who's brilliant idea it was to take fried corn meal and dip it in butter. I can't believe I ate the whole thing.

DLand - Faith, Hope and Love

Wahootie, there's a baby comin'! There's nothing like the news of an incipient birthing to get you all jazzed after being in such a funk all day. Hopefully, by the time most of you read this, Jason and Shannon will be proud parents of a beautiful baby boy or girl. I'm very excited for them.Talked to Mom this evening too and she's a real pick-me-up. She has a story to put whatever angst I have into perspective. I always leave the house feeling like whatever going on in my head and heart is not so foreign and that plenty of other people have felt the same way at some point in their lives too. It's a solid reassurance at times. Kim and I had a grand time Friday evening as well. It really wacked out my schedule, though, not going to bed til 6:30am. I was amazed to have the alarm wake us up at 1:30pm and was glad Matt and Erin's wedding was in the evening. At one point while playing Dance Dance Revolution (the funnest, cutest Playstation game invented), she turned to me and said, “You know, this could have been the same as any day we had at 13. Only then we were playing Donkey Kong.” Ah, yes. It was great to relax even if we worked up quite a sweat hopping around to the Dance Dance Revolution game. Some things never change. Matt and Erin's wedding was beautiful. I was excited to see Gen and get all pumped about her own wedding day next week. Every time I see her in person, it reminds me how fabulous she is and how lucky Alan is to have her. The happy couple from this weekend is off to wild and wonderful Canada. There are several Diarylanders they should say “Hey” or “Eh” to while they're there, but probably won't have time. Oh, and speaking of Canucks... I had a woman ask me in the hotel hallway if I played for the Toronto Maple Leafs (I was wearing a jersey). What the hell do you say to that? I was in shock. Every witty comment I could have retorted fell out of my brain. I stammered something about only owning a jersey and being a casual fan. She said she would have asked for my autograph. Imagine, you could have bought my autograph on eBay next week. Go Leaf(s). Wow, this entry has just bounced around like my dog chasing bugs. It's a good litmus test of my brain right now, I suppose. I had a good weekend overall and participated in a lot of significant events for some of my fabulous friends. I guess Paul had it right when he said, “the greatest of these is love.”