Celebrating World Diabetes Day

Today was World Diabetes Day and it completely kicked my ass. I woke up at 5:45am with a blood sugar of 448. I took a bajillion units of insulin, drank some water and crawled back into bed trying not to puke. It was with hope I checked it again 2 hours later only to find it was still 323. So I replaced my infusion set and waited. After an hour or so it was down to 240, but I was ready for some breakfast. I ate my usual expecting all this to just sort itself out. No such luck. When I checked again at noon it was still at 322. Sigh.

I was hopeful when it worked its way down to 135. That turned into a sweaty, queasy 45 by 2:30. And after eating a bowl of cereal for lunch and to fix my sugar, I thought we could put all this behind me. Nope. By 4pm it was back up to 343.

I'm happy to report that my blood sugar is currently 111. Let's think of that as a lucky number and see if it holds.

And the annoying thing is I have no idea why it's been so high. It's just like my body wanted to remind me I was diabetic today so I wouldn't let the day go by like any other.

I must admit, though, it made me not think so much about my stiff wrist. It's all relative.

Back in the swing

I haven't been to a doctor since just before Ian was born. I went to so many doctor appointments while I was pregnant, and then we had a newborn and then I just didn't get around to making the appointment. But in a fit of organization after Gary's "well, why didn't you just do it?" crap the other week, I have an eye doctor appointment Thursday afternoon and I went back to my endocrinologist this morning. It was good to see him again. We had a nice chat, he went over my labs and told me they all look good. He asked how I knew how much nursing would lower my blood sugar and I told him "we're doing a lot of winging it these days".

And that sort of explains why my A1C was 7.2. I'm okay with that. I'm still doing healthy things and we're getting better. I expect that to go down by our next visit in March. I won't get getting those 5.7s like I had when I was pregnant, but I'm okay with that too.

As my doc said, "things are just more complicated now. But you're doing well." Indeed.

Counting the hours until we meet

Yes, I'm still pregnant. Thanks for asking. It's been a bit of an emotional day for me as I really didn't want to have to walk back into the doctor's office with a baby still on the inside versus outside of me. I had been given the approval to go to my due date (which is Tuesday officially, so I still have a few hours) but no one was quite sure if I'd be allowed to go past it.

I brought Rich with me for moral support. I'm not sure if I have a note in my chart now (WARNING: May burst into tears! Ixnay mentioning the ueday ateday!) or if bringing the 6'5" dude with me helped, but everyone there was super nice to me and treated me with kid gloves.

Baby boy has a great heart rate, plenty of amniotic fluid, good movements, lots of hiccups and a mommy with stellar blood pressure (seriously - 120/77). But he still hasn't made any motions to come out quite yet.

I'm still 80% effaced and 1cm dilated but not much more than that. The baby has dropped quite a bit, though, so all those squats have been helping. Dr. D did a bit more "encouraging" of my cervix to dilate so we'll see what happens.

My OB obviously has been rooting for me to go into labor on my own this past week. And she obviously is doing everything she can to give me the birth I want without chemicals or surgery. But the longer he stays in there, the larger he gets and the more concerned she gets.

I've been given the go ahead to stay pregnant for another week until my appointment next Monday. If at that point he hasn't dropped significantly more, I'm not more dilated and we still don't have a baby in our arms, we will cross the bridge on what to do next. I'm hoping that isn't the bridge to Cesarean Mountain without at least trying over the one to Induction Valley, but I'm trying not to think about that yet and focus on the seven days I have before then.

So light a candle, say a prayer, sacrifice a chicken, spit over your shoulder or do whatever else you can to convince our son he wants to come out this week. Rich and I are doing our parts as Operation Squat, Walk and Screw continues apace. Wish us all luck!