Genie Alisa

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Earlier this summer I decided to make a mix for our friend's 11 year old son. He's exploring new musical frontiers and I wanted to give him a wide variety, but we had to restrict the profanity. Every time we thought we'd found a perfect song it would have ass, damn, hell or worse in it. After much effort we found several songs for him. But it made me aware of how many great songs there are that feature curse words. So I started making a list. Fast forward a few months and Cee Lo Brown has made the F-bomb a household term (God, get that song out of my skull! So catchy!). I now present you with my completely not safe for work musical mix.

I had entirely too much fun making this. I must also thank my dear husband Rich for his assistance. He kept calling out songs for me all evening. Even after he left for his hockey game tonight he was texting me song titles. He's a veritable encyclopedia of foul language (hooray four years in the Army!). I left out some of the more obvious ones like Nine Inch Nail's Closer or N.W.A.'s classic about the police, but I'd love to hear any other suggestions for future volumes.

So enjoy the fact the kids are in bed or throw some headphones on if you're at work and enjoy.

OpenTape - NSFW