Genie Alisa

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Recap of Living Out Loud volume 16: The people in your neighborhood

Ok, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. We'll see if I can manage to do a recap and include everyone's entries! As always, everyone really impressed me. I just get so much joy out of this project and I hope you all do too, whether it's writing for it, reading the entries or just spending a few minutes thinking about what you would have said on the topic.

It's well known that I'm pretty fanatical about our neighborhood. But I'm trying to get to know the individual people in it too and that's harder than it seems. I'm glad I'm not the only one with that issue and I'm fascinated by where you all have lived over the years!

Check them all out:

Peggy's Mighty Neighborly of You Ugh, like my mother says. Good neighbors are a gift. Sorry you had such a dud.

Ruth's My Neighborhood My favorite line is "It’s funny how aimlessness – in retrospect – can appear to have been deliberate." This was great.

Kathy's Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood ... The People That You Meet Each Day ... Good neighbors come in all forms! We have a neighborhood cat named Huxley who is adored (and fed) my all.

SuziCate's Freaks, Geeks and Squeaks Our dogs bark a fair amount and I'm grateful every day that our neighbors also have barking dogs and don't seem to care. But wow, reading permits? Amazing ...

Amy's Moving Through, Moving On It's funny because I never thought about the idea of "moving on" from a neighborhood. But I'm not good at moving on in general. :)

Megan's Diverse & Divided - My neighborhood I totally want to learn Spanish for this very reason (that and I love languages). And we have our own different sub-cultures even on our own street here of the parents and non-parents. I'm trying to straddle both.

Karal's Just one of the porch hors. 26 neighborhoods! I've lived in maybe five and that's pushing the definition. And anyone who brings my wayward dog back to me without judgment is A-OK in my book. Looking forward to welcoming you home!

Jen's Lovely day in the neighborhood Our next door neighbors have a gate between their yard and the one behind them and I want to ask our neighbors behind us if we can get one so his dog can come over and play. And I've always said walking a dog is the best way to get to know your neighborhood!

Jessica's Neighbors I'm hoping spring will get us out and about with our neighbors too. And the aqua blue foundation was a sight to see! I am fond of your neighborhood too. :)

And my own Hi, I'm Mollie, Sarah and Ian's Mom

I picked this topic and then wasn't really sure what to write. The thing I love, though, is that everyone wrote something really different!

For this month, I pick Ruth as our winner. She had a couple of lines that stuck with me and that tends to be my gauge for great writing. I love how the coasts flipped from home and "back east/out west". And as it gets warmer here and I commit myself to my own neighborhood, I like the idea of "one long summer."

Ruth wins a $25 Amazon gift certificate (which I'm still behind on delivering to several folks - mea culpa). And everyone who submitted an entry wins relative fame and my undying gratitude!

AND I even know what the theme is already for this month, so I plan on posting that within the next day or so. Pinky swear!