Genie Alisa

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First day on our own

I had high hopes of starting on Ian's birth story installments today, but it's 11pm already so that's gonna have to wait. Today was my first day "on my own" with the baby as Rich went back into the office today. I started my day solo about 1am as Ian couldn't decide if he wanted to nurse or rage against the Man and Establishment so was combining the two. I took him downstairs to the recliner and we slept relatively well there (with a few breaks for nursing) until a little after 8. I actually thought I had dreamed Rich coming downstairs to tell me goodbye.

Shortly after that, my aunt called to report a Patient First that had H1N1 flu shots in stock, so the boy and I packed up and headed that way. I haven't had the flu in I can't even remember how long, but with the boy being possibly at risk I figured my flu shot could do a double duty for us both via breast milk.

That excursion led us to discover that Ian's diaper bag and babyhawk carrier were still in Rich's car, so we had to head to the office to retrieve that. But then I had to pee and then the boy had to eat and then next thing you know it was lunch time so we all went out for Mexican. After a brief trip to retrieve my breast pump, I headed over to my OB's office to show off the product of all our hard work. Ian was a big hit with Dr. D and all the nurses and it was nice to have a bit of a celebration over a job well done.

The best part of my day, though, has to be the three hours I convinced Ian to nap with me this evening. He and I cuddled in the bed while he made adorable cooing noises. I used the iPhone to record those adorable noises for posterity so that when he's a teenager I can just buy a baby doll and have it play this on infinite loop.

Ian sleeping (MP3)

I also woke up at one point and noticed our hands next to each other, each with our thumbs tucked in. Forgive the low light photo but I was using a cell phone camera in the relative dark of our bedroom.

Matching fists

It was a nice way to finish off the day.