Genie Alisa

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Marking the calendar in many ways

While driving home from work, I realized that today would have been my tenth wedding anniversary with Jeremy had we not divorced in 2002. Today is also my husband's birthday and I was heading home with his birthday present (a new compressed air tank for his paintball gun) so that we could pick up supplies to move into our new home this weekend. It's funny how life stacks things up like that. I thought about it again when I almost took the wrong turn to go to our new house and had to keep going that extra 3/4 mile to our old house for the moment. I realized I would have to get used to a new section of beach that's two blocks east of where we've been hanging out for the last few years. The last time I'd spent any time down there was when I was living in one of my parents' properties after leaving Jeremy. I had some bitter lonely walks on that beach six years ago and it will be nice to have some fresh memories made on that patch of sand.

Last night Rich and I walked around the block at our new house leaving Nosy Neighbor Open House flyers on everyone's doors. I waffle between excitement about this weekend of home tours and moving and stomach-knotting nervousness. No one is going to come to our open house. Everyone is going to think we're insane for inviting them to snoop through our empty house. It's silly to waste a day we could be moving with this frivolity.

But dammit, we've gone through a lot to get here - more than just the last three months of construction. This upcoming weekend has been years in the making and I'd like a few hours to revel in it before we get all dirty and tired from moving boxes. I'm excited about this weekend like it's Christmas Eve. We just happen to be the elves who have to pack up all our furniture toys in the pickup truck sleigh before we can open them.

I'm looking forward to our new home, baby. I'll be there with bells on.