Genie Alisa

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It's a family thing

Ben and Jay after the game
Ben and Jay after the game
Today we drove out to the very snazzy Charlottesville Ice Park to play in a charity game for Richmond Hockey Fights Cancer. It was sparsely attended so we only sold a few t-shirts, but the game was well-played by everyone and a good time was had by all.

I got to spend some quality time with Rich's dad and uncle while we watched the game and took a few photos. The nicest photo, though, was the one I took above of Ben and Jay. Their dad is a cancer survivor and everyone in the family is an avid hockey fan. Jay hunted me down to have me take a picture of him with his brother so he could put it on his MySpace page and show his friends and dad.

It's been a long day and the Puddin' and I are both exhausted, but it was a very "up with family" sort of day and one I was happy to be a part of.