Genie Alisa

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The more things change, the more they stay the same

I got my hair cut after work today.

Joseph was my stylist and he had a lot of opinions about my hair. He used this razor thingy quite profusely and waffled between telling me I would look more sophisticated and more young. I'm wondering if those two cancel each other out.

I stopped at Kathy's to show her as he is her stylist too and I needed someone I'm not sleeping with to give me an opinion on it. She was a bit taken aback by it, but claimed to like it.

I came home, showed the Puddin' (who likes the cut very much), posed for the above picture, took a shower to wash all the hairs off of me and then cried my eyes out because I looked horrible. I was crying because I couldn't find two clean matching earrings, all my clothes were ugly, my shoes didn't match my jeans, my toenails weren't painted and oh, by the way, I look like a boy.

I pulled myself together enough to go to Sonic with the Puddin' and get a hot dog in which to drown my sorrows. I am off to go experiment with gel and other hair products. Maybe it's like when you get your dog back from the groomer and they put either a blue bandana or pink ribbons on the dog. I need some pink ribbons on my ears.

Love, Genie "Boys Don't Cry" Alisa