Genie Alisa

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Facebook Archive - June 2021

June 9 - Yesterday, after several days of mysteriously crazy blood sugars, I finally discovered that a whole batch of Ian's insulin pump infusion sites is bad. Crisis averted.

June 9 - Ian just set foot in Bayview Elementary for the last time today. He's completed all his SOL tests and delivered cards and gifts to his teachers.

June 16 - Ian joined me at Flex Gym on Monday. He has his very own membership now and he loved going. Everyone there was super supportive and helpful. He is almost as strong as I am on back and biceps. Today we're gonna find out how much he'll kick my ass on leg day.

June 16 - Ian has also been building a variety of box forts in his room. He's reusing all the boxes from shipments and making some pretty elaborate designs. All it cost me so far was three rolls of colorful duct tape. I'll take that over summer camp costs any day.

June 20 - Four men, a woman, an 11yo boy, and a 14yo chocolate lab head to the racetrack.

June 21 - At 6:15 pm, Ian called me from up the gravel road in tears. He had high-sided over the handlebars and the mini bike ran over him, adding insult and tire marks on his legs to injury. Shrop and I retrieved him and he cleaned himself up. At 8:30 pm, he went back out so he could go see the sunset. The kid is gonna be ok.

June 30 - I bought a TV for Ian's bedroom and mounted it on the wall! I've never had a wall-mounted TV before, and it feels very fancy. Now he and the kids can play video games upstairs and I can work downstairs and peace is maintained in the home.

We sold a go cart and bought another go cart that is a better fit for us. And the mini bike is still going strong. Ian's road rash is healing nicely.

I got new luggage for Ian and myself because my rolling suitcase has seen better days and Ian only had a small duffle bag. We're ready to jet set around the world now!