Genie Alisa

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Facebook Archive - September 2019

Sept 3 - First day of school proof of life, 4th grade edition. He slept in that shirt after getting toothpaste all over it before bed. I had to wash out the toothpaste and dry it this morning. 

He has outgrown two of his hoodies sometime this summer and a third is ripped beyond repair. The only remaining one was not super clean but he wore it anyways. 

I really need to pressure wash around the laundry room entrance. 

We were gonna be barely on time except he had to poop. I followed him in the car so I could lock his bike and save him a little time. He was 1 minute late, but we made it. (oops, actually 6 minutes because school starts at 8:55 and not 9am)

No mimosas for me, I’m off to work.

Sept 3 - Ian reported that his first day at school was really good. 179 more to go.

Sept 4 - During the “Age of Sail” (1571-1862), it was assumed that 50% of sailors died from scurvy on any given trip. This fact brought to you by my lime margarita conversation with Ian over dinner.

Sept 5 - This morning we covered why air feels cooler when blown through a small hole and warm through a big one. This one came from trying to cool off Ian’s cup of coffee.

Sept 9 - In the car on the way home Ian tearfully said, “I guess this is better than not having any dogs.”

Sept 20 - “There’s one thing I don’t understand.”
“Just *one* thing?!”

We’re watching Clue. 

Ian: “This is sorta boring. But it’s also sorta exciting.”

He made me rewind so we could watch the “flames on the sides of my face” part twice.

Sept 25 - First jersey with his name and number on it.

Sept 29 - I’m trying something new this school year. Ian is buying his lunch so there’s no lunch box. But there is a binder he uses daily for his school work. So I made some #BinderNotes on card stock for him (and all of you).